2Ether - A stable Ethereum fork

Technological progress, especially the internet, is indeed a huge breakthrough for world developments, including in banking and finance. One result of technological advances and the internet is the existence of blokchain technology which is increasingly being used, especially in the international sphere. In this discussion, I will review more about 2Ether Blockchain Ethereum and practice it in the world of finance, especially in its application in various developing countries. What is 2Ether 2Ether is a new digital coin based on the Ethereum blockchain. Unlike ERC20 tokens, this is a fully independent cryptocurrency - with its own blockchain, mining incentives, and so on. It fully supports smart contracts written in Solidity and is compatible with Ethereum dApps. The 2Ether team has several main objectives: Encourage independent CPU / GPU miners and protect them from the dominance of mining farms that use ASIC hardware. This is very important now because the award block on Ethereum ...