Jadeite will offer a certain amount of the profit from the applications distributed to its holders. How does it work? Jadeite tokemonics works by taking a 10% fee on every transaction. This fee is broken up into 4 parts: 3% of the fee is redistributed to every wallet that holds JDT on a percentage basis. The more JDT tokens you hold the more you will receive. 3% of the fee is split 50/50 half of which is sold by the contract into BNB, while the other half of the JDT tokens are paired automatically with the previously mentioned BNB and added as a liquidity pair on PancakeSwap. 3% of the fee burn in each transaction. 1% of the fee for the marketing wallet (this tax is going to be temporary). Jadeite Tokemonic Token Totals Token Name : Jadeite Blockchain : Binance Smart Chain Coins in Circulation : 100,000,000,000 Ticker : JDT Type: BEP-20 Contract : 0xf68e57342e4e52102eb1c0dd5b1afabcca57aaee PRIVATE SALE Rounds TOTAL ALLOCATED: 10.400.000.000 JDT - 10.4% PRIVATE SALE CAP: 40...