AIS - investment and security!
Everything around us changes regularly and is formed. Over the past 20 years, society has changed almost to unrecognizability. Currently, almost without exception, the company has gadgets and continuous access to the Internet. In the final time, the numerical and electrical technological processes began to improve rapidly, which led to the formation of the first cryptocurrencies. The formation of numerical monetary units led to a change in payment methods and a change in relations among nations. Currently, a significant proportion of people still do not imply how cryptocurrency functions and does not trust them at all. But numerous experts predict an increase in the share of cryptocurrency in the near future. The number of numeric monetary units is increasing at an unimaginable pace and has more than two thousand varieties. To carry out procedures according to the exchange, these or other coins may be in cryptocurrency exchanges. In the present period there are more than 60 different exchanges that operate in numerical currencies.
Now the negativity interconnected with cryptocurrencies is replaced by positive innovations and expert evaluations. However, despite the numerical monetary units in this area, there are a huge number of questions. A significant proportion of cryptocurrency exchanges are registered in similar states like Malta, something that is considered unprofitable for many countries. Therefore, your funds have all chances to retire abroad. Without exception, users want to make harmless transactions with the smallest commissions and want to have guarantees. Numerous countries want to make personal exchanges and define personal principles, functions and devices that guarantee the security of the user.
To find a solution to all the difficulties listed above and provide users with the opportunity to use the latest non-dangerous exchange, experts created an AIS plan.
AIS is a cryptocurrency market, established in Mongolia and functioning in accordance with the laws of this state. It is important to highlight the fact that the market existed formed in the presence and assistance of the Principal Bank of Mongolia. The market will ensure the likelihood of carrying out procedures according to the purchase and sale and exchange of numerical monetary units. In addition, a large number of necessary functions will be presented.
The developers of the plan will begin to work not only with simple mining, but also with investments in precious metals, bronze, unique alloys, valuable alloys, including raw materials. Such a theory of activity provides the likelihood of acquiring income as well as with mining, and with the implementation of minerals. The profit of the exchange will be divided by the number of owners of the platform tokens. Any user of the platform will have 3 keys of auxiliary earnings, which are not dependent on each other.
Also on the market will be readily available auxiliary functions and devices to which belong:
● to ensure absolute security, the exchange will be located on the internal server of the Central Bank;
● mining capacities will be used to extract all kinds of assets, which in fact will allow you to earn more and reward your own clients;
● AI Concierge will begin to sort out the user's behavior and use the database to give advice within the framework of the platform and help to understand the market when trading cryptocurrency.
An internal platform token is considered an AIS coin. With the support of it, all operations from within the platform will begin to flow. Total will be released 2300 billion tokens, the middle of which will be sold in public sales. Public sales of tokens will be held in July 2019.
I think that the AIS plan itself may be of interest to a huge audience, due to the fact that it makes a liquid and non-dangerous exchange that will work in accordance with the legislation. A necessary feature and advantage is that the actual stock exchange is formed with the help of the Central Bank of Mongolia. The plan deserves the interest of traders, due to the fact that it makes a popular platform and contains a strong country assistance.
More detailed information you can find on these links:
author : bondan88
eth : 0x0D7fBAd549E0dd2BD7242A8060BB2441CF1f5A3A
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